tirsdag den 1. oktober 2013

Importance of colors - infographic

Are you serious about your use of colors are you aware of the effect of colors, particular if you are using them correct?

When you look around, drive home from work, visit a store or taking a trip, you might notice other company´s signs and displays.

Some of them is probably super good, while others maybe not so much.... IKEA is fantastic, everybody can spot an IKEA from a long distance, due to Indigo Blue building with their yellow logo.

IKEA is using colors which you recognize and presented with great contrast. Coca Cola has likewise perfected this with their combination of red on white.

Study the major brands, and keep an eye of for the bad examples, try an locate where colors do not make sense and where the contrast is not good.

Below infographic can help, get on you on the right track.

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